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Design and Analysis of Medical Studies

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1. Descriptive epidemiology.

2. Case-control studies. Classical analysis methods. Confounding.

3. Stratified case-control studies. Mantel-Haenszel test and estimator. Logistic regression for stratified studies.

4. Paired case-control studies. Classical analysis methods, McNemar test. Conditional logistic regression for paired studies.

5. Cohort studies and their analysis, incidence modeling. Cox model, Poisson loglinear model, discrete Cox regression.

6. Clinical trials, principles of their design and analysis, group sequential monitoring.

7. Design of medical studies, sample size calculation, randomization methods.

8. Ethical, legal and administrative aspects of medical experiments.


The course focuses on statistical metods in medicine and epidemiology as well as on practical aspects of applying statistics in biomedical environment.