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Physics for Non-Physicists I - The World around Us

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


The lecture will be interactive to some extent, so that its content may evolve and respond to the interest of the participants.

Suggested topics:

- Free Fall

- Weightlessness and cosmic speed

- Newton's laws of motion

- Rotation of rigid body

- Cavendish‘s experiment

- Physical quantities

- System of physical quantities and units

- Measurements in physics

- Measurement of the speed of sound

- Measurement of the speed of light


Optional lecture for non-physics students who want to learn about the beauty of physics. The aim is to present parts of what we know about our world thanks to physics but also how we know it and what it may be for. It will not be

"chalk and blackboard physics" we will investigate the world around us by experiments, simple and sophisticated, historical and modern.