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Practical Course II - Electricity and magnetism

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Measurement of resistance by direct and substitution method.

Measurement of low resistance. Whetstone and Thomson bridges.

Voltage measurement with cathode-ray oscilloscope.

Measurement of the power factor.

Direct measurement of capacitance and inductance.

Resonant measurements of impedance.

Study of thermistor .

Conductivity measurement and Hall effect.

Characteristic curves of vacuum diode, semiconductor and Zener diodes by means of x-y recorder.

Characteristic curves of triode. Study of simple one-stage amplifier.

Relaxation oscillation measurement.

Torsion magnetometer, Biot and Savart's law.

Transient processes in the RLC circuit.

Study of ferrite hysteresis curve.

Measurement of magnetic field of coaxial circular coils and solenoid.


Electricity and magnetism.