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Practical Course III - Optics

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Measurement of fundamental parameters of optical system

Study of Fresnel's equations

Measurement of refraction index of glasses and liquids

Measurement of refraction index by refractometers

Measurement of refraction index by Pulfrich's interferometer

Measurement of refraction index by Fraunhofer's method

Measurement of refraction index of air by Jamin's interferometer

Construction of Michelson interferometer

Measurement of wavelength by interferometer

Simple application of interference effects

Grating spectroscope

Study of diffraction in laser beam

Fourier optics

Doppler's anemometrie

Malus' law

Rotation of polarization-plane

Birefringence (Kerr efect)

Properties of X-ray

Study of semiconductors optics elements

Study of semiconductor diode Laser

Absorption of Light

Polarizing microscope

Fiber optics

HeNe laser

Fluorescence (microscope and specroscope)


Experiments in optics.