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Nuclear and Particle Physics

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Scales characteristic for the nuclear and particle physics (typical lengths, energies, time intervals, particle rest masses, . .). Fundamental experiments providing information on nuclei and particles (the idea of scattering experiments, Rutherford experiment ...). Basic theoretical tools for the description of nuclei and particles (special relativity, quantum theory).

Basic nuclear properties: binding energy, energy levels, properties of nuclear forces and status of their understanding, nuclear models.

Nuclear decay and reactions (conservation laws, emitted particles, the decay law, the cross section, mechanisms of different decays, different forces and interactions)

Nuclear reactions important for energy production (fission and fusion, reactors, bombs and stars)

Interaction of particles with matter (from low to high energies), detection (also track detectors) and applications (in technology and medicine).

Elementary particles: From most frequent (e, p) with breaking experiments and ideas towards the particles more difficult to see (antiparticles, neutron, neutrinos, mesons, resonances, quarks, intermediate boson, Higgs boson). Roles of different particles in nature, their systematic, quantum numbers and their conservation or nonconservation in different interactions. Brief information on quantum field theory (used quantities, perturbative and nonperturbative calculations, Feynman diagrams). Unified theories.

Some more details: Quantum chromodynamics and Electroweak theory as components of the "Standard model" (What is a model, what is a theory, the path towards a dynamics, why we cannot see quarks, how many quarks are there, how many neutrino species are there, why to look for the Higgs boson, ...)

Principles of accelerators (electrostatic, linear, circular, colliding beams). Current and planned accelerators in the world, complex detector systems on their beams.

Particles in early Universe and now.


A last part of the basic physics course. Offers basics of both experimental and theoretical physics of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles together with applications.