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Introduction to Practical Physics

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |



1. Measuring errors - basic classification, random error, systematical error, illegal error - sources and character of errors at various methods of measurements - estimation of the method and instrumental error, acuracy rating - logging of experimental results - estimation of the maximal error of indirect measurements, basic operations with random variables *

2. Basic of mathematical statistics - random event, random value, probability - probability distribution - mean value, moments of the random quantity - probability distribution of several random quantities, correlation - central statistical theorem *

3. Maximum likelihood axiom - estimation of the statistical distribution parameters - mean value, standard error - deviated estimation - propagation of erroers, measuring instrument error *

4. Method of least squares - fit to a straight line - fit to an arbitrary Function *

5. Practicall giudes for the data treatment - drawing of figures - numerical methods, splines - estimation of fit parameters error


Preparatory course (seminar) for work in the student laboratory. It gives basic survey about analysis of data obtained in physical experiment, uncertainties of measured quantities and methods of their estimation.

Main attention is draw to giving a basic summary of statistical methods and their practical applications in analysis of physical experiments, estimation of parameters and fitting models to data. The course is recommended for students of baccalaureate of physics.