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Semiconductor Physics for Optoelectronics I

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


* 1. Electrons, holes, band structure

Classification of materials (geometry, purity, electrical properties, mechanical properties). Crystal lattice and periodic structures (3d lattices, structures, diamond, sphalerite, wurtzite). Spectrum of energy of electrons in semiconductors (movement of electrons in a periodic crystal lattice, strongly and weakly bound electrons, band structure, Brillouin zone, structure of zone edges, holes).

* 2.Homogeneous semiconductor

Conditions of thermal and electric equilibrium. Intrinsic and doped semiconductor (donors, acceptors), binding energy of trapped electrons and holes on impurity centers. Determination of concentration of electrons and holes. Fermi Dirac distribution function. Density of states of electrons and holes. Degeneracy factors. Electric neutrality condition. Determination of Fermi level. Impurity band.

* 3.Drift, diffusion, generation, recombination, trapping and tunnelling of carriers

Drift, phenomenological introduction of transport coefficients (electric conductivity, magnetoresistance,

Hall effect, Seebeck effect, thermal conductivity etc.. Boltzmann kinetic equation and its solutions. Mechanisms of scattering of charge carriers (acoustic and optical phonons, ionized impurities etc)

Diffusion, Einstein and Boltzmann relation, Fermi energy and quasi Fermi energy. Equation of continuity of charge and current. Shockley equation. generation (G), recombination (R), trapping (T) and tunneling (T). Interband thermal and optical generation G,R, interband Auger recombination. Influence of trapping centers. Elastic and inelastic scattering. Lifetime.

* 4.Semiconductor structures

Contact metal-semiconductor, p-n junction, FET (JFET, MOSFET)


Electrons, holes, band structure. Homogenous semiconductor.

Drift, diffusion, generation, recombination, trapping and tunneling of carriers. Semiconductor structures. Low-dimensional structures.