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Emission Spectroscopy in Biophysics

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1. Fluorescence prnciples

2. Classical and advanced fluorescence techniques, steady state and time resolved emission spectroscopy, instrumentation for stedy state, time domain, and frequency domain fluorescence spectroscopy, laser photolysis (FRAP), fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), microfluorimetry, fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM), spectral imaging, multiphoton fluorescence and imaging, nonlinear optical methods for resolution enhancement, optical sectioning, 3D reconstruction of emitting objects.

3. Applications of the emission spectroscopy in biology, chemistry, medicine, and industry, imunofluorescence, etc.

4. Fluorescence of biopolymers.

5. Fluorescence sensors (principles and functin - FRET, quenching, polarization, spectral changes, etc.), enhaced fluorescence near metal nanostructures.


Methods of emission spectroscopy and their applications in biomedical sciences. Fluorescence probes and markers, fluorescence sensors.