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Semiconductor Physics for Optoelectronics II

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1. Optical constants Electromagnetic waves. Definitions of optical constants. Dispersion relations and general properties of optical constants.

2. Optical properties of semiconductors and ionic crystals Quantum theory of optical transitions. Interband transitions. Direct allowed and "forbidden" absorption edges. Indirect absorption edge. Excitons, exciton-polaritons. Defects. Lattice absorption and reflection. Phonon-polaritons. Free carrier absorption and plasma edge.

3. Photoelectric effects in semiconductors Classification. Interband generation and recombination. Auger recombination. Recombination and trapping on a single level. An effect of traps. Nonhomogeneous interband excitation. Diffusion effects, continuity equation. Photovoltaic effect. Surface recombination. Solar cells and photodetectors.

4. Emission of light, luminescence Thermal emission. Radiative and nonradiative recombination. Methods of luminescence excitation. Interband recombination, free and bound excitons, biexcitons and exciton liquid. Stimulated emission. Semiconductor photodiodes and lasers.


Fundamental optical properties of semiconductors in different spectral regions.

Quantum mechanical treatment of absorption and emission of light.

Photoelectric phenomena, excitation, relaxation and recombination of charge carriers.

Photoconductivity and photovoltaic effects in semiconductors. Luminescence.

Light detectors and sources.