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Optoelectronics and Optical Properties of Solids

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |



1. Phenomenological description Electromagnetic waves. Definitions of optical constants. Dispersion relations and general properties of optical constants.

2. Optical properties of semiconductors and ionic crystals Quantum theory of optical transitions. Interband transitions. Direct allowed and "forbidden" absorption edges. Indirect absorption edge. Excitons, exciton-polaritons. Defects. Lattice absorption and reflection. Phonon-polaritons.

3. Optical properties of metals Free electron approximation. Plasmon edge and skin-effect. Free carrier absorption. Interband transitions in metals.

4. Effect of external fields Induced anisotropy. Magneto-optical phenomena of free electrons. Cyclotron resonance. Faraday rotation and Voigt effect. Landau levels and interband magneto-absorption.

5. Nonlinear optics Phenomenological description. Second harmonic generation. Two-photon absorption. Raman scattering. Four-wave mixing. Electro-optic effects.

6. Emission of light, luminescence Thermal emission. Radiative and nonradiative recombination. Methods of luminescence excitation. Interband recombination, free and bound excitons. Stimulated emission. Semiconductor photodiodes and lasers.

7. Optoelectonics Light sources and detectors. Basic parameters and characteristics. Solar cells. Semiconductor photodiodes and lasers. Quantum wells and superlattices. Quantum size effects. Applications.


Optical constants and their mutual relations. Optical properties of semiconductors, metals and ionic crystals. Fundamental optical interactions in different spectral regions.

Magneto-optical and non-linear optical phenomena. Light generation, luminescence and stimulated emission in semiconductors.

Fundamentals of optoelectronics. Light detectors and sources.