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Optics of Thin Films and Multilayers

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Electromagnetic wave interactions in an isotropic layer deposited on an isotropic substrate. Effect of the incident polarization.

Reflection and transmission coefficients. Effect of absorption.

Relations between material tensors and optical characteristics. Generalized ellipsometry. Effect of interfaces in multilayers.

Effect of optical anisotropy in layered systems. Fraunhofer diffraction in laterally structured anisotropic multilayers.


Electromagnetic wave interactions in a isotropic layer deposited on an isotropic substrate

Effect of the incident polarization. Reflection and transmission coefficients.

Effect of absorption. Relations between material tensors and optical characteristics.

Generalized ellipsometry. Effect of interfaces in multilayers.

Effect of optical anisotropy in layered systems. Fraunhofer diffraction in laterally structured anisotropic multilayers. Nonideal layered structures. Effective medium approximation.