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Introduction to Quantum and Nonlinear Optics I

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1. Light-matter interaction Classical description. Einstein approach. Semiclassical approach. Einstein coefficients, Rabi oscilations. Line-shape function.

2. Laser rate equations Formulation of the equations. Laser oscillator. Laser threshold. Optical gain, gain saturation.

3. Optical resonators Geometrical optics of resonators. Stability of resonator. Boyd-Koleglnik diagram. Wave theory of resonators. Gaussian beam. Laser modes.

4. Laser dynamics Cw laser. Optimum output coupling. Relaxation oscillations. Q-switching. Mode-locking. Femtosecond lasers.

5. Semiclassical laser equations Formulation of semiclassical equations. Maxwell-Bloch equations. Chaos in laser dynamics.

6. Selected types of lasers Gas lasers. Solid state lasers-Semiconductor lasers. Dye lasers. Free electron lasers.


Laser physics is a topic of this lecture. Laser is described in semi-classical approximation and in rate-equations approximation.

Dynamical properties of laser and selcted regimes of operation are discussed in detail. Selected laser systems important for application are described.