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Introduction to Quantum and Nonlinear Optics II

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


01 Introduction. History.

Linear and nonlinear optics. 02 Lorentz microscopic model. 03 Nonlinear susceptibility. 04 Properties of nonlinear susceptibility. Effect of symmetry.

Effective susceptibility value. 05 Quantum-mechanical theory of susceptibility. 06 Electromagnetic formulation of nonlinear optics. Coupled-wave equations. 07 Second harmonic generation. 08 Angular phase-matching.

Temperature phase-matching. Quasi-phase-matching. 09 Sum and differential frequency generations. 10 Parametric generator, amplifier and oscillator. 11 Third-order susceptibility.

Third harmonic generation. Continuum generation. 12 Intensity dependent complex refractive index.

Nonlinear refractive index and absorption. 13 Self-focusing. Self-phase modulation. 14 Optical phase conjugation. 15 Induced grating.

Thin grating. 16 Thick grating. Bistability (dispersion, absorption). 18 Electro-optic effects. 19 Two-photon absorption.

Doppler-free spectroscopy. Laser cooling.

Multiphoton ionization. 20 Introduction to light scatterings. Spontaneous and stimulated Raman scattering.

Stokes component. 21 Anti-stokes component. CARS. 22 Spontaneous and stimulated Brillouin scattering. 23 High harmonics generation.

Attosecond pulses. 24 Semiclassical theory of light matter interactions. Optical Bloch equations.

Bloch vector. 25 Coherent phenomena. Photon echo.

Self-induced transparency. Optical nutation.

Free polarization decay.


Linear and nonlinear optics, theory of nonlinear susceptibility. Classical description of phenomena of the second and third order: second harmonics, parametric interaction, four-wave processes, third harmonics, two-photon absorption, phase conjugation, optical bistability.

Principles of nonlinear spectroscopy.