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Optics of periodic structures for photonics

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1. Description of light states and propagation of light through optical systems. Polarization and space modulation of light, Jones and Mueller matrix formalisms, Poincaré sphere. Elements of diffraction theory and Fourier optics.

2. Interaction of light with matter. Light propagation in homogeneous media. Index of refraction, coefficient of absorption, conductivity and permittivity. Dispersion properties of materials, Kramers-Kronig relations. Crystalline and induced anisotropies. Magnetooptics.

3. Optics of interfaces, thin films, and multilayers. Fresnel and Airy formulae of reflection and transmission. Matrix description of light propagation through stratified structures. Periodic multilayers and one-dimensional photonic crystals. Bulk and surface plasma oscillations in metallic films.

4. Rigorous electromagnetic treatment of light in inhomogeneous media. Coupled wave theory of periodic structures. Fast Fourier factorization rules for accurate transcription of Maxwell's equations into a matrix representation suitable for computer simulations.

5. Analytical approximations for special cases. Subwavelength, ultrathin, shallow, and long-periodic gratings; periodic structures made of transparent or highly absorbing materials.

6. The interpretation of the optical response of gratings, photonic crystals, and derived metamaterials. Planar, conical, and three-dimensional diffraction by gratings. Effective index of refraction. Spectral anomalies of gratings. Anisotropies induced or modified by grating periodicity; Kerr and Faraday effects.

7. Fundamentals of photonic crystals. Photonic band structure, photonic band gap, and related optical properties. Magneto-photonics.

8. Application to modern optical devices and metamaterials based on periodic nanostructures. Photonic mirrors, waveguides, fibers, resonators, optical filters, negative refraction index devices.

9. Basic methods of experimental optical measurements. Spectroscopic photometry, ellipsometry, and magnetooptics. Optical scatterometry.


The is focused on electromagnetic optics of periodic nanostructures for dealing with photonic crystals and derived photonic devices and metamaterials. The first part of the course will present the mathematical description of light and optical systems such as bulk materials, thin films, and gratings.

The second part will show rigorous and approximate models of the optical response of periodic structures and its interpretation. The final part will introduce applications in photonics and basic methods of optical experiments.

Appropriate for master and doctor course studies.