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Fiber lasers and amplifiers

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1. Components of fiber amplifiers and lasers. 2. Rare-earth doped fiber spectroscopy 3.-4. Erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) 5. Continuous-wave fiber lasers and high-power cladding-pumped fiber lasers 6. Fiber lasers with based on other rare-earth dopants, discussion of selected research topics 7. Laboratory visit in ÚFE Suchdol: preparation of optical fibers and their basic characterisation 8.-9. Pulsed fiber lasers 10.-11. Semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOA) and their application in components for transparent optical networks, Raman fiber amplifiers and parametric fiber amplifiers 12. EDFA numerical modelling - exercise 13. Laboratory visit in ÚFE Kobylisy: fiber lasers

Analytical solution of rate equations of the EDFA for the simplified two-level model (Saleh’s model)

Examples of application of the Giles‘s EDFA parameters for calculation of the amplifier‘s gain characteristics

Laboratory visit in ÚFE Suchdol: preparation of optical fibers and their basic characterization

Laboratory visit in ÚFE Kobylisy: fiber lasers


Introduction: optical fibers, passive components, pump lasers. Spectroscopy of rare-earth elements. Erbium-doped fiber amplifier, rate equations, gain saturation. Complex theoretical model and optimization of the amplifier. Amplifier characterization (gain, noise figure). Erbium doped fiber laser, continuous wave and pulse regime. Fiber amplifiers and lasers doped with other rare earth ions, high-power fiber lasers utilizing cladding pumping, Raman fiber amplifiers.

Implementation of fiber amplifiers in optical communication systems.

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