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Magnetism in Condensed Matter

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


* (1) Introduction Magnetic field, magnetization, magnetic dipole moment, Maxwell equations, magnetostatics, magnetostatic energy and forces, precession, Bohr magneton, spin and orbital angular momentum, Pauli matrices, spinors. * (2) Magnetism of free electrons Farraday and Voigt effect (oscillator model). * (3) Magnetism of localized electrons on the atom Hydrogen atom and angular momentum, many-electron atom, paramagnetism, diamagnetism, forces in paramagnetic and diamagnetic matter, ions in the condensed matter, atom in magnetic field, magnetic susceptibility, Brillouin function, van Vleck paramagnetism, Hund’s rules, LS and jj coupling, nuclear spin, hyperfine interaction, g-factor. * (4) Environments Interaction with the crystal field, Jahn-Teller effect, nuclear magnetic resonance, electron spin resonance, Mossbauer spectroscopy, interaction (magnetic dipole interaction, exchange interaction, direct and indirect interaction, anisotropic exchange interaction). * (5) Ferromagnetism Weiss model of the ferromagnetism, mean field theory, collective excitations, anisotropy, ferromagnetic effects. * (6) Antiferromagnetism and other magnetic order Weiss model of the antiferromagnetism, ferrimagnets, amorphous magnets, spin glass, helimagnetisms, measurements of the magnetic order. * (7) Magnetism of metals Free electron model, Pauli paramagnetism, Landau levels, paramagnetic and diamagnetic response of the electron gas, RKKY interaction, excitations of the electron gas (energy dispersion of the fundamental excitations at the Landau level quantization), many-body interactions, Kondo effect. * (8) Order and broken symmetry Geometric frustration, Heisenberg and Ising model, excitations, magnons, spin waves, Bloch 3/2 law. * (9) Micromagnetism, domains and hysteresis Micromagnetic energy, domain walls (orientation, nucleation, localization, dynamics). * (10) Magnetic resonance Electron paramagnetic resonance, ferromagnetic resonance, nuclear magnetic resonance. * (11) Competing interactions and low dimensionality Superparamagnetism, quantum phase transitions, anisotropic magnetoresistance, giant magnetoresistance, characteristic lengths, thin layers, quantum dots. * (12) Experimental methods Crystal growth, measurements of magnetic domains and bulk magnetisation, magneto-optics, magneto-transport (Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations), measurements of magnetization (de Haas-van Alphen effect), SQUID, Hall effects (classical, integer and fractional quantum Hall effect, spin Hall effect). * (13) Magnetic materials * (14) Spin electronics Spin polarized currents, materials for spin electronics, magnetic sensors, magnetic memory, magnetic recording, collosal magnetorezistance.


The optional semestral lecture on the magnetism in condensed matter is intended for students of physics in the

Master study program. The prerequisites are the basic lecture of electromagnetism (Physics II), fundamentals of the quantum theory, solid state physics and mathematical analysis. The introduction of basic magnetic properties is given within the course. The course provides students detailed description of magnetic properties of free and bound electrons, various forms of magnetism, magnetic order, broken symmetry, geometric frustration, domain walls, magnetic resonance and magnetic inte