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Advanced optics

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |



1. Basic equations of electromagnetic theory. - Electromagnetic origin of light, Maxwell equations, boundary conditions. - Wave equation, Helmoltz equation. Phase and group velocity of light. - Energy, intensity, radiation pressure and momentum of electromagnetic wave. *

2. Polarization of light. - Polarization ellipse, linear and circular polarization. Angular momentum of electromagnetic wave. - Propagation of light in anisotropic media. Polarization devices - polarizers, wave plates, polarization rotators. - Mathematical description of polarization - Jones vectors and matrices, Stokes parameters, Poincaré sphere. *

3. Instrumental optics. - Geometrical optics, light rays. Optical imaging by reflection and refraction on a spherical interface, mirrors, lenses. Ray transfer matrix analysis. Aberrations (monochromatic and chromatic). - Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction on slit, rectangular and spherical aperture; implications for a construction of optical instruments. Optical diffraction grating. - Optical imaging instruments (magnifier glasses, microscope, telescope). Spectral instruments - spectrometers (prism and grating) and interferometers. *

4. Light waves in absorbing medium. - Propagation of light in conductive medium, complex index of refraction. - Reflection and refraction of plane waves on interfaces, Fresnel formulae. - Kramers-Kronig dispersion relation. *

5. Introduction to theory of optical coherence. - Complex representation of monochromatic and polychromatic waves, Fourier transformation, complex analytical signal. Statistical optics, ergodicity principle. - Time coherence, correlation function, power spectrum, Wiener-Chinčin theorem. Spatial coherence. - Interference of partially coherent light, Michelson interferometer, Fourier spectrometers. - Partial polarization, coherence matrix, degree of polarization. *

6. Fourier optics. - Two-dimensional Fourier transformation, spatial frequencies. - Optical transfer function of imaging system, impulse response. - Optical computation of Fourier transform, spatial filtration. *

7. Gaussian beams and optical resonators. - Paraxial Helmholtz equation. Gaussian beam - complex amplitude, intensity, radius, divergence, wavefronts. Transformation of Gaussian beam by optical elements, transformation of terahertz waves, ABCD law. - Optical resonators - resonant frequencies, longitudinal and transversal modes. Losses in resonators. Boyd-Kogelnik stability diagram.


Advanced course of optics which broadens knowledge gained in the basic course of optics.


Electromagnetic waves and their characteristics, basic equations of electromagnetic theory, polarization of light, instrumental optics, light waves in absorbing medium, optical coherence, Fourier optics, Gaussian beams and optical resonators.