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Exercises in nonlinear optical spectroscopy

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Excited molecule model as a displaced oscillator with an explicit vibrational mode in a harmonic bath.

Absorption spectrum as a linear response and its relation to the population-detected excitation spectrum. Franck-Condon and Huang-Rhys factors.

(Relationship of coherent dynamics and Pauli governing equations, Einstein coefficients microscopically)

Principles of construction of nonlinear measurements. Phase-matching geometries. Phase-cycling schemes.

Third-order coherent spectroscopy: from pump-probe to 2DES.

Homogeneous and inhomogeneous broadening, energy transfer, vibrational oscillations.

Global analysis of spectra.

Overview of currently developed methods, coherent vs population detection, nonlinearities of other orders.


Extension exercises to the lecture Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy (NOOE119) will introduce students theoretically to concrete implementations and results of contemporary nonlinear spectroscopy methods.