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Introduction to Computer Linguistics

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1. Introduction, overview of subfields of computational linguistics

2. Natural language, its functions and structure

3. Language processing at character level, morphological analysis and tagging, spellchecking methods

4. Basic principles of Hidden Markov Models in the morphology of natural languages

5. MOSAIC - document search system exploiting natural language properties

6. Language syntax and its formal representation in data structures - component and dependency trees

7. Non-projective constructions in Czech

8. Overview of formal theories of syntax - Transformational grammar, LFG, TAG, unification formalisms, Functional generative description

9. Tools for syntactic analysis of languages - Q-systems, Augmented Transition Networks

10. Grammar checking methods

11. Corpus linguistics

12. History and methods of machine translation

13. Introduction to semantics - lexical semantics, representation of the meaning of sentences.

14. Anaphoric relationships in a sentence.

15. Sentiment analysis


The main goal of this course is to provide an overview of individual subfields of computational linguistics. Main issues being solved by these subfields are also mentioned.

Among the subfields the course stresses are machine translation, syntactic parsing, morphology and corpus linguistics.