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Morphological and Syntactic Analysis

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1. Sets of morphosyntactic tags, definition of problems, parts of speech.

2. Supervised and unsupervised morphemic segmentation, Chinese word segmentation.

3. Finite-state (two-level) morphology.

4. Context-free grammars and chart parser, usage for morphological analysis.

5. Unification grammars for morphological analysis.

6. Functional morphology.

7. Syntactic annotation, constituent trees, dependency trees, non-projectivity.

8. Universal Dependencies.

9. Dependency parsing: transition-based parsers, graph-based parsers.


Basic methods and algorithms used for morphemic segmentation, morphological and syntactic (constituency- based, dependency-based) analysis of natural languages. We will try out some of the approaches as student mini-projects during the semester.

Credits will be awarded for work on these mini-projects.