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Language Technologies in Practice

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


processing morphology engineering approach to morphology, lemmatization unsupervised and lightly-supervised morphology

Linguistica, Yarowski & Wicentowski 2001, Schoene & Jurafsky 2001, Morfessor sentiment analysis entities named, unnamed and structured entities recognition, normalization, standardization, linking, knowledge graphs intent detection relation extraction

Natural Language Generation (NLG) generation of documents vs. short texts/phrases classical NLG vs neural NLG document planning, microplanning, lexicalization, realization


The course surveys solutions to common NLP tasks ranging from entity recognition to text generation. It evaluates various approaches (machine learning, rules, larger resources, ...) and their combinations.

Part of the course consists of students presenting and discussing papers relevant to a give topic. Each student implements a prototype system solving a particular task.