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Photorealistic Graphics

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |



1. shading and shadows: light-object interaction, Phong, Torrance-Sparrow and Strauss lighting models, constant and smooth shading: Gouraud shading, Phong shading, shadow algorithms *

2. ray tracing: ray casting, principles of recursive ray tracing, ray-object intersection algorithms (simple solids, CSG tree, surfaces of revolution, ..) *

3. anti-aliasing and sampling: alias, supersampling (area-sampling), sampling methods: regular grid, jittering, Poisson disk sampling (incremental algorithm), 'N-rooks' sampling, adaptive supersampling, subdivision criteria *

4. textures: 2D texture mapping, 3D textures, bump-textures, randomized textures, noise functions (Perlin, Lewis), turbulence synthesis *

5. distributed ray tracing (Monte-Carlo methods): principle, soft shadows, soft reflections and refractions, depth of field, motion blurr, color light difraction, sampling issues *

6. ray-tracing acceleration: adaptive control of tracing depth, adaptive supersampling, bounding volumes, uniform and adaptive space subdivision, mailbox technique, bit vectors, generalized rays *

7. radiosity methods: physical background, form-factors computation, hemicubes, Monte-Carlo form-factors, (adaptive) patch subdivision, shooting with sorting versus gathering, overshooting


Advanced course of computer graphics focused on 3D graphics and realistic rendering. Main topics: lighting models, smooth shading, ray tracing including acceleration techniques, anti-aliasing, distributed ray tracing, sampling methods, textures, Monte-Carlo methods, radiosity methods: hierarchical radiosity, adaptive mesh subdivision.

Labs: modules for JaGrLib library in Java language.

Continuity: Computer Graphics III (PGR010).