1. Introduction, history graphical pipeline: application, geometry, rasterization, history of HW 3D graphics acceleration *
2. 3D scene representation Brep, triangle meshes, index arrays, hierarchical representations, level-of-detail, skinning, billboard techniques, point sprites *
3. Basic algorithms visibility, transparency, clipping, shading, color interpolation, fog, texture mapping, bump mapping, environment mapping *
4. Programming graphical accelerator data passing, data types, textures, index-buffers, strips/fans, double-buffering, accumulation buffer, stencil-buffer, multipass rendering, shaders: architecture, introduction to shader programming *
5. Advanced methods, shaders advanced shaders, vertex and fragment shader cooperation, vertex blending, Phong shading, fog, transparency, accumulation buffers and stencil buffers: motion blur, depth of field, shadow casting, data culling, portal techniques, selected methods from animation, skeletal hierarchy, tesselation and geometry shaders *
6. API for 3D accelerated graphics updates in OpenGL 4, shaders, Cg language, samples, cookbook, brief API reference *
7. CUDA basics of programing massive parallel processors using CUDA and OpenCL *
8. Realtime raytracing OptiX - interface for realtime GPU raytracing, its alternatives, current HW for raytracing
Lecture covers basics of hardware accelerated computer graphics on PC.
Topics: mathematical foundations for 3D graphics, data structures, computer graphics pipeline, geometric transforms and lighting, visibility, transparency, texturing, stencil buffer, multipass rendering, etc.
GPU programming: vertex-shaders and pixel-shaders,
API for HW accelerated graphics programming.