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Optics for computer graphics

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1. From Maxwell equations to quantum theory. Rays, waves and photons. Monochromatic harmonic wave, its amplitude, frequency and phase. Polarized light.

2. A simplified description of wave propagation. The superposition of electromagnetic waves. Interference. Wavefronts and Huygens-Fresnel principle. Fermat principle.

3. Light reflection and refraction at optical interfaces. The dispersion of index of refraction. Mirrors, prisms and lenses. Fiber optics.

4. Geometrical optics. Lens equation. Optical imaging systems. Analytical ray tracing. Resolving power.

5. Coherent and incoherent light. Light interference at thin layers. Iridescence. Photonic crystals. Holography.

6. Light diffraction. Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction. Light scattering by optical inhomogeneities.

7. Atmospheric optical phenomena.

8. Photometry. Detectors of light. CCD and CMOS cameras.

9. Classical incoherent light sources. Photodiodes. Lasers.

10. Light absorption. Luminescence. Absorption, reflection, refraction and scattering of light at the appearance of physical objects.

11. Human eye and vision. Main categories of optical illusions.

12. Fourier optics.


The aim of this course is to teach students the fundamentals of optics, which will help them to understand both the phenomena that control the appearance of physical objects in real world and function of instruments used for their imaging.