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UNIX and LINUX for Physicists

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1. INTRODUCTION Operating systems. Features of Unix, its development and standardization. Session, login and logout, user name and password. Commands, switches, parameters. Terminal settings.

2. FILES File names, directory structure. Metacharacters. Protection of files, access rights. Archivation and compression. Find command.

3. ELECTRONIC MAIL System and user mailbox. Programs mail and pine. Control file .mailrc


5. REDIRECTION, PIPES Standard input and output, error output. Pipes and pipelines.

6. TEXT FILE PROCESSING Commands split, cut, cat, paste, sort, tr, sed, awk.

7. PROCESSES Parent and child processes, priority changes. Background running, commands nohup and kill. Signals. Command at.

8. INTERNET Protocols TCP/IP, IP addresses, host names, transfer of data packets. Remote login (telnet), file transfer (ftp). Interactive communication (talk).

9. INTERNET SERVICES Ftp archives, WWW, searching.

10. SHELL Description of basic shells (sh,csh,ksh). Environment variables. Scripts, parameter transfer. Command files .profile and .cshrc.

11. SHELL PROGRAMMING Loops, tests, if-then-else and case structures. Scripts debugging.


A basic course od Unix for the students of physics and mathematics. It is also suitable for graduate students.