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Introduction to Algorithms

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


* Algorithms and their efficiency.

- Algorithm - properties, correctness, efficiency comparison.

- Time and space complexity, asymptotic complexity, Big O notation.

- Worst case, best case and average case analysis.

* Basic algorithms and techniques.

- Divisibility - Euclid's algorithm, prime factorization.

- Prime numbers - primality testing, the sieve of Eratosthenes.

- Decomposing numbers into digits, numeral systems conversion.

- Higher-precision arithmetic ("long numbers").

- Horner's scheme, fast exponentiation.

* Basic data structures.

- Array searching - sequential, binary.

- Abstract data types: stack, queue, priority queue, dictionary.

- Hash tables - principle, resolving collisions.

- Heap. Binary search tree, balancing principle.

* Sorting.

- Internal sorting - direct methods (SelectSort, InsertSort, BubbleSort).

- HeapSort, QuickSort.

- Lower bounds for sorting.

- Sorting in linear time (CountingSort, BucketSort, RadixSort).

- Note about external sorting.

* Recursion.

- Recursion - principle, examples, efficiency.

- Binary tree - representation, searching, applications.

- Representing arithmetic expressions through binary trees.

- Infix, prefix and postfix notations - evaluation, conversion.

- General trees - representation, traversal, applications.

* State space search.

- Backtracking.

- Depth first search (DFS) and breadth first search (BFS) - principle, applications, implementation.

- Improving performace through pruning and heuristics.

- Game tree, minimax, alpha-beta pruning.

* Basic graph algorithms.

- Representation of graphs.

- DFS, BFS and their applications.

* General methods of algorithms design.

- Speeding by precomputation.

- Greedy algorithm.

- Divide and conquer.

- Memoization.


An introductory course on fundamental algorithms, algorithmic complexity and data structures for first-year students of computer science and computer science education.