- Haskell type system, typeclasses, Hindley-Milner system, System Fc
- Monads, State, Monad transformers
- Haskell programs from inside in GHC: Core, STG, thunks, WHNF, seq, compilation, modularization
- Cabal
- Standard IO library
- Standard typeclasses
- Standard containers, Text and ByteString
- Connection to UNIX, optparse
- Parsing combinators, parsec
- Pretty printing
- Parallelism, STM, parallel frameworks
- Server applications -- Scotty, Yesod, Servant
- Lens library, Prism, Iso, Traversal
- Overview of several lazy data structures: Finger construction, lazy queues, ...
- Simple graphical output: Gloss, JuicyPixels
- Testing: HSpec, Quickcheck, Criterion
Programming in Haskell aimed at practical problem solving -- run-time system, standard library, useful tools.