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Start-up or corporation: Introduction to a career in IT

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1. What is a success and how to realize it Workshop: Brainstorming ideas, starting a class virtual project

2. What is a start-up Workshop: Setting goals and taking roles

3. Career Help - job market and how to get a job Workshop: Hiring people into the project

4. Project plan and Business plan Workshop: Creating a business plan (Lean Canvas)

5. Case studies - Lead developer job / Being a developer abroad Workshop: Resolving a problem in the team

6. Case studies - Successful Czech Start-up Workshop: Definition and preparation of a product/service (Minimum Viable Product - MVP)

7. Corporate Career Workshop: Preparing a presentation for a potential corporate customer

8. Project management in IT Workshop: Project plan - how will we develop our product and our virtual company

9. Case study - A graduate career in a start-up Workshop: Preparing a presentation for the incubator

10. Presenting the product in a professional Prague Start-up incubator in front of real life evaluation team

11. Case study - IT corporate project Workshop: Learning from the feedback received from the Incubator

12. Creative communication and team leadership Workshop: Closing the project (Next possible steps)


A participant will learn about career in a start-up as well as a corporate sector. The participants will work with case studies of large corporate IT projects and careers of successful IT graduates.

We will create our own virtual start-up and will go through the usual process of setting goals, defining a business plan, minimum viable product and we will present to a group of professional evaluators in a Prague Start-up incubator. Therefore the participants will gain experience as to what values and principles are key for professional and creative communication, cooperation and leadership.