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Computer Networks

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


- Basic concepts of telecommunications and computer networks, best effort principle, Quality-Of-Service.

- Private and public data networks, virtual private networks, intranet, and extranet.

- Layer models, comparison of RM ISO/OSI and TCP/IP

- Principle and terminology of internetworking.

- Networking at the level of physical and link layers, repeaters, bridges and switches, VLAN.

- Routing, routers and gateways, IP tunnels.

- Standardization in TCP/IP, network model TCP/IP, TCPv4, TCPv6.

- Main objectives of network layer, connection-oriented and connectionless communication, reliable and unreliable connections, fragmentation handling.

- TCP/IP addressing, IP addresses of version 4P, IPv4 model.

- ICMP protocol and its relation to IPv4 protocol.

- Link layer, Ethernet addresses, ARP, RARP, DHCP.

- IP addresses of version 6, IPv6 and IPv4 differences.

- Adaptive and non-adaptive routing algorithms, static and dynamic routing, centralized and isolated routing. Direct and indirect forwarding.

- Transport layer, reliability, flow Control, TCP, UDP.

- Ports and addressing, identification of application connections, convention of well-known ports, registered ports.

- Reliability in TCP, flow control and congestion prevention.

- Wireless networks, 802.11 architecture, authentication, encryption, 802.1x.


The course introduces basic concepts of telecommunication and computer networks, different types of networks, layer models, networking techniques and standardization.

The main part of the lecture is dedicated to protocols of TCP/IP family, addressing and routing in IPv4 and IPv6, reliability and flow control in TCP, security issues, encryption and wireless networks.