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Data on the Web

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


- Linked (Open) Data - From the Web of Documents to the Web of Data

- RDF data model and its serializations, RDF Schema vocabulary

- SPARQL query language

- Vocabularies used on the Web of Data - Dublin Core, SKOS, RDF Data Cube Vocabulary

- Linked Data Patterns

- Linking data, Silk framework

- Metadata of Data on the Web - DCAT, DCAT-AP and VoID vocabularies

- Embedding data in Web pages - Microformats, Microdata, RDFa

- RDF stores, SPARQL Update language

- More vocabularies used on the Web of Data -, GoodRelations, OWL

- Wrappers of relational databases - Direct Mapping and R2RML standards

- Frameworks for working with RDF - Eclipse RDF4J, Apache Jena

- Newest trends on the Web of Data - Solid, Social Web Protocols

- RDF data validation - SHACL


The students will get to know the concepts and approaches to publication and consumption of data on the Web, including relevant usable technologies.

In the last few years, data on the Web (Linked Data) are gaining traction and has become a standard in publishing, consumption and exchange of data on the Web.

Last but not least, the problem of centralization of current web storage systems will be discussed, including approaches to re-decentralization of the Web.