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Data Structures 1

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |




Splay trees

BB-α trees


Choice of hash functions: universal hash functions, k-indepenence

Linear probing

Cuckoo hashing

Bloom filter

Text data structures

Suffix tree

Suffix array

Techniques for memory hierarchy

Parallel data structures

Multidimensional data structures

K-d trees

Range trees

Warning: The course is offered in English only in the summer term and in Czech only in the winter term.


The basic course about construction of efficient data structures, mandatory for Master's students. Search trees, hashing, structures for working with strings. Worst-case, average-case and amortized complexity of data structures. Self-adjusting data structures. Behavior of data structures on systems with memory hierarchy. The lecture builds on the lectures Algorithmization, Algorithms and Data Structures 1 and Algorithms and Data

Structures 2 from the bachelor study.