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Data Structures I

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |



• (a,b)-trees and their variants

• Move-to-Front strategy for lists, Splay trees

• other solutions: AVL trees, red-black trees, BB-alpha trees


• regular heaps

• binomial heaps

• Fibonacci heaps

Techniques for memory hierarchy

• I/O model, cache-oblivious analysis, LRU strategy for on-line paging

• examples: matrix transposition and multiplication, van Emde-Boas tree layout

• cache-aware techniques


• collisions and their resolution, analysis for uniformly distributed data

• selecting a hash function: universal hashing, good hash functions

• cuckoo hashing

Multidimensional data structures

• KD trees

• range trees

Warning: The course will be given since 2018/19 in English only in the summer term (instead of the winter term in previous years) and in Czech only in the winter term.


The basic course about construction of efficient data structures, mandatory for

Master's students. Search trees, heaps, hashing. Worst-case, average-case and amortized complexity of data structures. Self-adjusting data structures. Behavior and analysis of data structures on systems with memory hierarchy. The lecture builds on the lectures Algorithms and Data Structures I and II and Programming I and II from the bachelor study.