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Introduction to Complexity and Computability

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1) Turing machines and their variants, Church-Turing thesis.

2) Halting problem

3) RAM and their equivalence with Turing machines. Algorithmically computable functions.

4) Recursive and recursively enumerable languages and sets and their properties.

5) 1-reducibility and m-reducibility, 1-complete and m-complete sets.

6) Rice's theorem.

7) Nondeterministic Turing machines, basic complexity classes, classes P, NP, PSPACE, EXP.

8) Savitch's theorem - equivalence of PSPACE and NPSPACE.

9) Deterministic space and time hierarchy theorems.

10) Polynomial reducibility among problems. NP-hardness and NP-completeness.

11) Cook-Levin theorem, examples of NP-complete problems, proofs of NP-completeness.

12) Pseudopolynomial algorithms and strong NP-completeness.

13) Approximations of NP-hard optimization problems. Approximation algorithms and schemes.

14) Classes co-NP and #P.


This is a basic course on the theory of algorithms, computability and computational complexity. Roughly the first half of the course is devoted to the introduction to computability theory: Turing machines. Computable functions.

Recursive and recursively enumerable languages and sets. Undecidable problems. The second half of the course is devoted to the study of space and time complexity classes: Equivalence of PSPACE and NPSPACE.

Deterministic hierarchy theorems. Class NP. Polynomial reducibility among problems. Proofs of NP- completeness. Approximation algorithms and approximation schemes.