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Advanced Quantum Theory

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


* Quantization of electromagnetic field.

Vector and scalar potentials, Coulomb and Lorentz gauge, longitudinal and transversal polarization, Second quantisation of free fields, Fock space, eigenstates, standing and traveling waves, coherent states, squeezed vacuum, thermal states, Creation and annhilation operators,Consequences of quantisation: Heisenberg uncertainty relations, phase operators, vacuum oscillationsů Quantization of particles and electromagnetic field, and field-matter interacion. Electric dipole approximation. Quantum state lifetimes. Golden rule. Selection rules

* Introduction to kinetics.

Density matrix and reduced density matrix , Wigner distribution function; Boltzman equation, Master equations. Stochastic dynamics, Spin-boson model

* Quantum optics of the two-level system.

Absorption, induced and spontaneous emission, Einstein coefficients, resonant fluorescence. Spectral lines: shapes and width.


Quantum theory of light and interaction with matter, introduction to kinetic phenomena.