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Fundamentals of Plasma Theory

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


* Plasma drifts in electric, magnetic and other external fields, adiabatic invariants.

* Kinetic theory of plasma: kinetic equations, phase space, Liouville theorem, Boltzmann equation, BBGKY.

* Collision term and relaxation:

Vlasov equation, Fokker-Planck equation, entropy, H-theorem, equilibrium distributions.

* Magnetohydrodynamic description of the plasma: hydrodynamic equations of motion, linear and nonlinear waves in plasma, equilibrium and stability, Landau damping.

* Selected applications of plasma theory on Earth and in Space


Definition of plasma; plasma particle drifts of in electric and magnetic fields; adiabatic invariants, plasma kinetic theory; equations of motion of hydrodynamics; collision term and relaxation; magnetohydrodynamic description.

Linear and nonlinear waves in plasma; magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium and stability of plasma.

Selected applications of plasma theory on Earth and in Space.

The course is suitable primarily for students of Theoretical Physics.