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Theory of Gauge Fields

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


* 1. Gauge invariance.

Electromagnetic fields, U(1) gauge transformations. Yang-Mills fields, non-abelian gauge group, parallel transport, covariant derivative, intensity tensor, Wilson loop. Invariant Lagrangians, scalar and spinor fields.

* 2. Classical solutions

Equations of motion, Bianchi identities. Hamilton formalism, Gauss law. Classical solutions in Minkowski regime, (non)existence of soliton solutions. Classical solutions in the Euclidean regime, instantons.

* 3. Quantization of gauge fields

Hamiltonian systems with constraints, Dirac quantization. Functional integral, gauge fixation, Faddeev-Popov ghosts, Feynman rules. BRST symmetry. Batalin-Vilkovisky method.

* 4. Renormalization of gauge theories

UV divergences, regularization, renormalization. Renormalizability of gauge theories, anomalies. Renormalization group, asymptotic freedom.

* 5. Spontaneous gauge symmetry breaking

Spontaneous global symmetry breaking, Goldstone theorem. Spontaneous local symmetry breaking, Higgs mechanism. Dynamical gauge symmetry breaking.

* 6. Gauge theories in particle physics

Quantum chromodynamics. The Standard Model of electroweak interactions. Grand unification theory.


Gauge invariance, quantization of gauge fields, renormalization and renormalization group, spontaneous symmetry breaking, gauge theories in particle physics, the standard model. For the 2nd year of the Thoeretical

Physics and Particle and Nuclear Physics studies and postgraduate students.