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Introductory Seminar on Theoretical Physics II

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Vectors and tensors.

Affine space, vectors and linear forms, tensors, coordinate transformations, diagrammatic notation, scalar product and metric.

Curvilinear coordinates and vector analysis.

Tensor fields, gradient and nabla-operator, curvilinear coordinates, triads. Integrating vectors and tensors.

Introduction to distributions.

Basic definitions and properties, δ-distribution, derivatives of non-smooth functions, regularization of 1/x. Fourier transformation of distribution, examples. Distribution on manifolds, characteristic function, surface and linear δ-distributions and their derivatives. Aplications: point, linear and surface sources, dipoles, boundary conditions for electrostatic a magnetostatic, electric field near conductors.

Green functions

Green functions in one variable. Green function for Laplace operator, Laplace equation on a domain with a boundary, heat equation, perturbative solution of Schrödinger equation with potential.

Classical field theory

Lagrange and Hamilton formalism for fields, scalar and electromagnetic field, gauge symmetry.

Supplements for classical electrodynamics

Multipole expansion in terms of tensors. Description of continuum is spacetime, stress-energy tensor, electric current density, conservation laws.

From sum over trajectories to solution of differential equations.

Feynman's formulation of quantum mechanics: quantum histories, quantum indistinguishability, amplitude rules, measurement model. Path integral, amplitude of free particle evolution, perturbative solution of Schrödinger equation.


Selected parts of theoretical and mathematical physics: Tensor calculus, curvilinear coordinates, curved spaces, Introduction to distributions, Fourier transformation, distribution in 3D, Green functions. Introduction to classical field theory.

Feynman formulation of quantum mechanics. For the 2nd year of the physics study.