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Renormalisation Theory of Phase Transitions

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Phase transitions and their microscopical models. Mean-field theory for second order phase transitions, scaling hypothesis and critical exponents. Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson continuous model for critical fluctuations, loop expansion. Infrared and ultraviolet divergencies.

Renormalization of divergencies in physical quantities, renormalized perturbation theory. Mass, field and coupling constant renormalization. Calculation of critical exponents and universal quantities. Microscopic basis for scaling behaviour and renormalization group.


Phase transitions in lattice models, singularities in thermodynamic functions and critical behaviour. Mean-field theory for second order phase transitions, Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson continuous model of critical fluctuations, loop expansion, infrared and ultraviolet divergencies.

Renormalized perturbation theory in the critical region and calculation of critical exponents. For students of the 4th and 5th year and doctoral sudents of TF and FPL.