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Selected Topics on General Relativity I

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Generalized theories of gravity (R. Švarc)

Static black hole metrics in generalized gravities (M. Ortaggio)

Causal structure and quasilocal horizons (O. Svítek)

Black hole pertubations (J. Bičák)


Advanced topics in GR. Pool of topics contains: Gravitational field of accelerated sources. Cosmology. Global structure of FRW models. Hyperbolic problems in GR. Relativistic perturbations. Algebraic classification. Properties of congruences. Causal structure and horizons. Loop variables. Principal and associated bundles.

Courses NTMF063 and NTMF073 cover different topics from the list. Intended for graduate students who completed the NTMF037 and NTMF038 courses.