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Quantum Mechanics II

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Symmetry and conservation laws. Rotational and translational symmetry. Wigner functions, tenzor operators. Time reversal. Point groups.

Many-particle systems. Indistinguishability principle of identical particles and its consequences, fermions and bosons. Second quantization. Fock space, mean field theory.

Scattering theory. S and T matrixes, scattering cross section. Scattering in the central field, eigephase analysis.

Time-dependent perturbation theory. Fermi golden rule.

Density matrix and open systems.


Continuation of the course for students of theoretical physics. Identical particles and many-particle systems. Angular momentum in quantum theory. Mean field and theory of atoms and molecules. Symmetry and conservation laws.

Time-dependent perturbation theory. Density matrix and open systems.