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Exact Spacetimes

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


various faces of flat Minkowski spacetime de Sitter and anti-de Sitter universe of constant curvature conformally flat FLRW cosmologies electrovacuum spacetimes (Bertotti-Robinson, Nariai etc) various generalizations of the Schwarzschild black hole main representatives of the Weyl class of metrics

Kerr rotating black hole versus the Taub-NUT solution accelerating black holes and other objects general Plebański-Demiański class of solutions gravitational pp-waves

Kundt family of spacetimes

Robinson-Trautman family of spacetimes impulsive gravitational waves and their collision


The lecture is devoted to classification and description of main classes of exact solutions of Einstein's field equations of general relativity, including their generalizaton to higher dimensions. We will concentrate on exact spacetimes which represent cosmological models, black holes and gravitational waves, in particular their algebraic and geometrical properties and physical interpretation.