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Theory of collisions of atoms and molecules

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


I. Introduction to quantum theory of molecules. Hartree-Fock approximation (HF).

II. Roothan equations.

III. Koopmans theorem. Perturbation corrections to HF.

IV. Configuration interaction (CI).

V. Problems of CI, method CC (Coupled Clusters).

VI. QM-description of rotations of rigid body.

VII. More on rigid body rotations, symmetric top. Rotational excitation by collision.

VIII. Adiabatic approximation for electron molecule scattering.


Advanced theory of atomic processes with applications in non-relativistic astrophysics and chemical physics.

Introduction to many-particle atomic and molecular theory. Computational methods for collision processes and applications to collisions of electrons with atoms and molecules. For the graduate students of the theoretical physics, mathematical modelling and chemical physics.