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Astronomy and astrophysics

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


* Earth in the Universe:

Motion of celestial bodies, precession, aberration, paralax, refraction; time definition, solar and lunar eclipse

* Celestial Mechanics: gravitation, Newton law, Kepler laws, Kepler equation, virial theorem

* Astrophysics:

Pogson's equation and magnitude, black body radiation, Planck law, Stefan-Boltzmann law; spectral clasification, Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, colour diagram; internal structure of stars, Jeans mass

* Stellar and galactic astronomy:


Earth in the Universe.


Radiation in astrophysics.

Fundamentals of astrophysics.

Stellar and galactic astronomy.

Solar System.

Course aimed to the 4th year teacher students of Mathematics-Physics at basic schools, and to the 5th year teacher students of Math.-Physics, Physics-Informatics at secondary schools.