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Classical Electrodynamics

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Maxwell´s equations and their implications: Laplace-Poisson equation, Coulomb´s law, Gauss´s theorem.

Scalar and vector description of electrostatic field - potential, equipotential surfaces, intensity, field lines.

Electric dipole and multipole expansion.

Energy in electric field.

Continuity equation, Ohm´s law.

Charged particle motion - in homogeneous electric field, magnetic field and in electromagnetic field where the electric field is perpendicular to the magnetic field.

Ampère´s law, Biot-Savart law and Faraday´s law of electromagnetic induction.

Magnetic dipole and its field.

Coulomb gauge and Lorentz gauge.

Electromagnetic potentials (scalar and vector) and gauge transformations.

Electromagnetic waves - generating, polarization, diffraction, interference, coherence, reflection and refraction.

Energy and momentum of electromagnetic field, their flows, Poynting vector, energy and momentum conservation laws.

Retardation and retarded potentials.

Radiation of electromagnetic waves.

Waves in nonconducting and conducting media.

Quasistationary electromagnetic field, skin-effect.

Limits of classical electrodynamics.


The subject focuses on the explanation of basic concepts and equations of the theory of electromagnetic field. It shows that the theory can explain the most important phenomena students learned in lecture Physics II and some other phenomena are derived.