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Introduction to Wolfram Mathematica for Teachers

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


- Basic introduction to Wolfram Mathematica

- Solving easy tasks by command Solve

- Derivative - velocity and acceleration

- Integral in moments of inertia and center of gravity

- Differential equations in equations of motion

- Visualizations of physics tasks by plots

- Vectors and matrices in physics

- Operators in physics (Grad, Div, Rot and Laplace)

- Interactive change of the tasks - command Manipulate

- Notebook appearance, different styles for presentation

- Working with Data - import, export, data mining

- Interesting commands for math’s tasks

- Advanced programming - functional Programming, parallel computing, CUDA

- Tablet and interactive table

- Wolfram|Alpha and Mathematica

- Similar programs to Mathematica and related products


In this seminar will be introduced Wolfram Mathematica and its usage to student of education. Students will have opportunity to use one of the most powerful Computer Algebra System (CAS).

Seminar is suitable for students of any fields of study.