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Selected parts of solid state physics I

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1. Structure of crystalline solids.

2. X-ray structure analysis of crystalline solids.

3. Crystal bindings.

4. Crystal lattice defects, mechanical properties of solids.

5. Thermal properties of crystals, lattice vibrations, Dulong-Petit law, Einstein and Debye theories of specific heat.

6. Binary isobaric phase diagram, condition of phase equilibrium, mechanical mixture of components, binary phase, tangent construction of isobaric binary equilibrium state diagram, eutectic diagram, peritectic diagram.

7. Electron structure of crystalline solid, base of bands theory of crystalline solids, its exploitation to the explanation of crystalline solids properties.


This course is devoted mainly to the solid state physics, its structure and properties of the materials. It is intended for the students of 2th year of the Master Education study and for the doctoral students of Education studies.

A part is devoted to specific problems according to students´ aims.