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Computer Games Development - for Teachers

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


- game engine, game smyčka, Unity engine

- Unity editor, project, Hierarchy, Inspektor, Scene and Assets windows, running the game

- building the project

- scene editation , game objects, components transform and RigidBody

- scripts, Start(), Update() and FixedUpdate() methods, script paramettres, finding the game object

- game object movement, user input - keyboard and mouse

- camera and its movement, first person and thord person view

- collision detection - collider, trigger

- Assets

- prefab

- ray-casting

- playing sound

- resources, adding, access from the script, export and import assets between projects

- user interface, Canvas, UI components

- scenec - loading a scene, persistent data

- joints

- particle systems


Basic principles of comuter game development. Using Unity editor for creating of simple games.

Study of the subject as well as a design and presentation of teaching hour.