2. Utváření a výchova lidí
3. Podmínky výchovy
4. Cíle výchovy
5. Vztah subjektu a objektu výchovy jako oboustranně kultivující dialog
6. Prostředky výchovy
7. Průběh výchovy (proces utváření a výchovy charakteru)
8. Podstata pedagogického umění (činitelé, na kterých nejvíce závisí kvalita a účinnost výchovy)
9. Vzdělání a vzdělávání
10. Škola - nejvýznamnější výchovná a vzdělávací instituce
\r\n1. Eudation as a science
2. Formation and education of people
3. Terms of education
4. Educational goals
5. The relationship of the subject and object of education as a mutually cultivating dialogue
6. Educational resources
7. The course of education (the proces of personality formation/education)
8. The essence of teaching art (factors on which depend on the quality and efficiency of education the most)
9. Education and training
10. School - the most important educational and training institution
1. Eudation as a science2. Formation and education of people
3. Terms of education
4. Educational goals
5. The relationship of the subject and object of education as a mutually cultivating dialogue
6. Educational resources
7. The course of education (the proces of personality formation/education)
8. The essence of teaching art (factors on which depend on the quality and efficiency of education the most)
9. Education and training
10. School - the most important educational and training institution
The set of lectures offers incentives to creative educational thinking and action. It gives conceptual guidance for educational creation based on an informed and rational approach to education.
It aims to awake thoughtfulness of students, thus approaches to education through seeking for it, which means asking ourselves the questions rather than taking ready-made definitions.