Model přípravy na hodinu LV s plánováním pozpátku
Zásady pro výběr textu, jejich uplatnění pro přípravu hodiny, didaktický potenciál textu v praxi
Cíle a důkazy o učení, reálnost a smysluplnost, formulace pro žáka, s pozorováním výuky v ZŠ
Klíčové aktivity směřující k cíli pro fázi před čtením
Klíčové aktivity směřující k cíli pro fázi při čtení a klíčové aktivity směřující k cíli pro fázi po čtení
Hlediska pro vyhodnocování vlastní přípravy i pro práci žáka
Lecture combined with a seminar: Subject of special didactics of reading lessons as a branch, relation to other sciences, esp. to the theory of reception and the theory of children´s reading, methods of specialized work. Reading lessons as a communicative and esthetical educational process, its´ agents, relation of the literature for children and scholar reading lessons, contents and aims of the primary-school reading lessons at 1st degree of primary school. Pubescent´s reading, its´development and cultivation, aspects of reading. Curriculum structure, parts of the curriculum, relation to the language education part in Czech language and literature. Singularities of didactics principles in reading lessons. Methods preferred at primary school, method of motivation and didactics interpretation of the text, creative methods of operation with the text - issue of genre transformation, methodology of expressive reading and recitation.
Communicative approach of reading lessons at 1st degree of primary school, alternative curricula of reading lessons at 1st degree of primary school, definition of curricula in the reading-books, criteria of evaluation of reading-books. Aspects of reading, methodology of reading, interpretation of the text of early readers, work with poetic lyric text, work with story-telling text, work with illustration. Methodology of genre transformation - dramatizing, telling in epic, lyrics as a visual composition. Expressive reading - function, methodology.