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Didactics of literature with practices

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Požadavky k atestaci: - aktivní přítomnost v seminářích - vyjadřování zdůvodněného vlastního stanoviska, účast v rozborové diskusi, - zpracování zadaných úloh (reflexí), důsledná průběžná příprava a odevzdávání úkolů mezi semináři - četba odborných textů v nevelkém rozsahu, - systémově podložená příprava a realizace vlastní vyučovací hodiny

- písemnými výstupy podložená vzájemná podpora a reflexe příprav i výstupů.


Characteristics of the course: We will try how everything we have learned about LV and how we can manage LV with children and text in the 4th and 5th class. We will learn how to prepare and implement a lesson plan, including goals and procedures.

We will verify our teaching practices by direct output in the classroom. We consult with experienced teachers and each other.

We will learn to reflect our and foreign teaching in a structured way so that it helps us to teach better. Everyone and everyone will give reflection, questions and advice to everyone and everyone.

Working in this practice (like working with children in the classroom) will require enough time even in the weeks when others are going to climb! Furthermore, the willingness to seek, bring, share and present. The work will be mostly cooperative and non-selective, using e-mail.

Personal presence at all outputs, elaborated preparations and written reflections of their own output and those of colleagues are a condition of credit.